
2007-2008 Malden Catholic Football Roster

# Name Positions Class Ht Wt
2 Pat Buckley Class of 1900
3 Tyler James Class of 1900
4 Daniel Dortona Class of 1900
5 Bryan Denehy Class of 1900
6 Colin Treanor Class of 1900
7 Ryan Curtis RB Class of 1900
9 Ken Watkins Class of 1900
11 Nicholas Mulcahy Class of 1900
12 Mike Riley Class of 1900
13 Tyler McVicar Class of 1900
14 Matt Denehy Class of 1900
15 Jerry Savino Class of 1900
16 Andrew Desimone Class of 1900
17 Tyler Dowdie Class of 1900
18 Jose Rodriguez Class of 1900
19 David Melkonian Class of 1900
20 Harry Savage Class of 1900
21 Vasil Demiri Class of 1900
22 Domenic Roberto Class of 1900
23 Matthew Carregal Class of 1900
34 Rob Machado Class of 1900
35 Craig Richardson Class of 1900
Steve Kelley Class of 1900
CMcDonough Class of 1900
Cole McDonough Class of 1900
Steven Souza Class of 1900