Boys Soccer
  Goals Assists
Joe Alexio Junior 1
Derek Alves Junior 1
Sean Alves Senior 2 2
Jeff Bramucci Junior 7 3
Luis Cibrao Junior 9 2
Michael Jordan Junior 1
Mike Jordan Junior • F 15 8
Derek Kareta Sophomore 1
B. own goal Class of 1900 1
Matt Palatino Senior 2 1
Chris Pereira Sophomore 5 6
Nick Repko Junior 3 5
Fabio Rodrigues Sophomore 2 2
Luis Sabrao Junior 1 2
Derek Simpson Senior 4 7
Kyle Venancio Class of 1900 • F 1
Total: 53 41
Joao Bernardo Senior 120
Thomas Dalmolin Junior 6
Steve Lopes Sophomore 1
Total: 127