Field Hockey

2008-2009 Cathedral Field Hockey Roster

# Name Positions Class Ht Wt
Gina Accorsi Senior
Francesca Brodeur Sophomore
Lisa Capaccio Class of 1900
Lisa Capaccio F Senior
Samantha Clemons M Class of 1900
Lauren Fenton F Junior
Payton Fish M Sophomore
Rene Geoffrion F Junior
Renee Geoffrion Junior
Katie Glenn F, F Sophomore
Kelli Gralia F Senior
Taylor Ledwith F, F Freshman
Talia Luvera Senior
Maggie Mannix G Senior
Juliet Mejia Sophomore
Marija Molta M Junior
Avery Orszulak F, F Sophomore
Avery Orzulak Class of 1900
Jen Powers F Sophomore
Kayla Quick M, M Junior
Katherine Ryan F Junior
Ellen Strycharz Junior